Garry Phillips

Garry is a 69 year old proud Welshman now living on the west coast of Scotland. He suffered two life threatening and life limiting strokes ( 2003 & 2005) which left him with mobility and balance problems. Garry also experiences issues with his fine motor skills, which means he cannot write or even sign his name. Garry enjoys the music of Frank Sinatra, the poetry of Dylan Thomas and the films of Al Pacino. He attends Bethany Evangelical church, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, where he worships with like- minded believers.

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The Luther of Cambridge

By: Garry Phillips

Charles Simeon: Role Model for Today's Pastors

Volume 19, Number 52 (12/24/2017, to 12/30/2017)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Pastoral Ministry

Elephant in the Room

By: Garry Phillips

A Brief Defense of the Doctrine of Christ's Deity

Volume 20, Number 19 (5/6/2018, to 5/12/2018)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Christ

Designed To Worship

By: Garry Phillips

Psalm 27:8

Volume 19, Number 32 (8/6/2017, to 8/12/2017)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Christian LivingGod

0 Q&A results for: Garry Phillips
0 Audio results for: Garry Phillips

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