Got a Question about Christianity, the Bible, or theology? Professors, pastors and theologians are here to help.
Is it right to call Hebrews an epistle? How is the literary form of Hebrews similar to and different from other New Testament epistles?
Topics: General Epistles and Revelation
When were Abram and Moses born, and when did they die?
Topics: Pentateuch
Did Jesus cast the demons from two men or one man into the swine?
Topics: Gospels and Acts
Why did the tribe of Levi receive no land inheritance?
Topics: Historical Books
Can you please briefly explain the significance of Hosea's children?
How do Jesus words in the Farewell Discourse in John chapters 14-16 point to the deity and distinct personhood of the Holy Spirit?
Topics: Holy SpiritGospels and Acts
How was Jesus' sacrifice for sin superior to the sacrifices in the Old Testament?
How is the theme of Israel’s land inheritance fulfilled in Christ?
Topics: ChristBiblical Theology
Many Christians believe the Father is an angry God who hates us, and the Son, a loving God who saves us from his angry Father. Is this true?
How did Christ fulfill the theme of warfare against evil in his first coming?