Edward D. Griffin (January 6, 1770 - November 8, 1837) attended Yale College and graduated with honors, intending to become a lawyer. However, he soon came under the sound of the Gospel, joined the Congregational church, and began theological studies. He was licensed to preach on October 31, 1792. Griffin served as pastor of churches in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey, beginning with the Congregational church in New Hartford, Connecticut in 1795. In 1800 became pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Newark. Griffin later served a church in Boston, then back to Newark in 1815 to become pastor of the newly-formed Second Presbyterian Church. During his pastorates Griffin was involved in other ministries, too, such as the American Bible Society, which he helped to found, and the United Foreign Missionary Society. He also received calls from at least three colleges to become president. He accepted the call from Williams College in Massachusetts and was inaugurated as president there in 1821. Griffin remained at Williams College until 1836 when he resigned because of failing health and moved back to Newark to live with his daughter and her family. He died in 1837 at the age of 67.