Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on James 5:2-12

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Rotted...moth-eaten - James 5:2-5

Again, echoing Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 6:19-20), James underscores the corrosive influence and definitive end of misused wealth. In sharp contrast to the immaculate garments and shining jewels of the rich, the result for those among them who ignore the cries of the weak (cf. Lk 16:19-31) or who decide to withhold wages from their workers or pay them unjustly is to experience their own miseries in judgment.

Withheld and unjust pay - James 5:4

The withheld and unjust pay of the laborers cries out against the rich, because it is a direct violation of God’s Law (Lev 19:13; Deut 24:14-15). Moses commanded those who hired laborers to pay wages on the same day that the work was done. Finding excuses not to pay them, keeping no written records which many workers could not read, day laborers had little recourse in the courts, which often sided with the rich, who could afford bribes. The cries of the workers is reminiscent of Abel’s blood (Gen. 4:10) and the outcry of enslaved Israel (Ex. 2:23).

Fattened yourselves - James 5:5-6

Reminiscent of Jesus’ description of the rich man and Lazarus, James describes how the luxury and indulgence of the rich has prepared them for judgment like a fattened calf for slaughter. By failing to provide fair and timely wages the rich have killed the poor.

Remain Steadfast Despite Suffering. - James 5:7-12

In this section, James narrows his focus again to encourage those who suffer unjustly to remain committed to the Lord. The wise community remains steadfast in faith, fervent in prayer, and perseveres in doing good (Rom. 12:12), assured that the Lord will vindicate them on the last day. See 135.

James assures those suffering of their vindication - James 5:7-8

As he had at the beginning of his letter, James turns his attention back to his brothers and sisters, and their trials (see notes on 1:2-4, 12). Having confronted slanderers in 4:8-12 and those who oppress the poor in 5:1-6 in expectation of the Lord’s judgment, James assures those who suffer of their ultimate vindication. As a farmer awaits the valuable harvest from the ground, Christians must patiently await Jesus’ coming (1 Thess. 5:2-4; 2 Pet. 3:1-10). Again, Jesus’ teaching lies in the background of James’ proverbial sayings (e. g. the Parables of the Persistent Widow in Lk 18:1-8; the Tenants in Matt 21:33-46; and the Ten Wedding Attendants in Matt 25:1-13) underscoring the need to wait faithfully for Jesus’ royal return (p).

The Judge is standing at the door! - James 5:9

Briefly recalling his admonishments about harmful speech (see notes on James 3:1-12 and 4:11-12), James warns his brothers and sisters not to complain or grumble like the Exodus community did in the wilderness (cf. Numbers 11, 14) as they journeyed towards the land of promise. Reminding them, “the Judge is standing at the door,” James draws on Jesus’ teaching that the final vindication of the righteous is certain and imminent (cf. Lk 18:1-8).

Persevere - James 5:10-11

James uses two Old Testament examples to encourage patience and discourage complaining. First, though prophets preached the Lord’s word in obscurity, and were persecuted (Matt. 5:12; 23:34; Acts 7:52; Heb. 11:32–38), they did not complain, but trusted in the Lord. The righteous and wise man Job was afflicted in ways that would make anyone wish for death (Job 1:21, 22; 2:10), but persevered in looking for vindication from God. A wise and faithful community will follow the same path, looking to their compassionate and merciful Lord to set things right on the last day.

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