Systematic Theology 1 (2ST510) — Scripture and God: Fall 2015
- All course documents ZIP
- Course Handbook (Syllabus) Word
- Lecture Outlines
- The Islamic Doctrine of God Word
- The Islamic Doctrine of Scripture Word
- Supplementary Documents (Readings)
- John Frame
- In Defense of Something Close to Biblicism Word
- Introduction to the Reformed Faith PDF Word
- Proposal for a New Seminary Word
- Traditionalism PDF
- You know you are NOT Reformed if ... TXT
- John Murray
- The Attestation of Scripture PDF
- Cornelius Van Til
- B.B. Warfield
- Statement of the Reformed Faith PDF
Apologetics (2ST530): Fall 2015
- All course documents ZIP
- Course Handbook Word
- Study Guide Word
- Lecture Outlines
- The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God Word
- Topics in Apologetics Word
- Supplementary Documents (Readings)
- Certainty Word
- Christ and Culture Word
- Do We Need God to be Moral? Word
- Greeks Bearing Gifts Word
- Infinite Series Word
- Is Intelligent Design Science? Word
- Ontological Argument Word
- Self-Refuting Statements Word
- Transcendental Arguments Word
- Unregenerate Knowledge of God Word
- Van Til Reconsidered Word
- A Van Til Glossary Word
History of Philosophy and Christian Thought: Spring 2015
- All course documents ZIP
- Course Handbook Word
- Lecture Outlines
- History of Philosophy and Christian Thought, Contents Word
- History of Philosophy and Christian Thought, part 1 Word
- History of Philosophy and Christian Thought, part 2 Word
- History of Philosophy and Christian Thought, part 3 Word
- History of Philosophy and Christian Thought, part 4 Word
- History of Philosophy and Christian Thought, part 5 Word
- Supplementary Documents (Readings)
- Bill Edgar
- John Frame
- Certainty Word
- Christianity and Contemporary Epistemology Word
- God And Biblical Language Word
- Greeks Bearing Gifts Word
- Infinite Series Word
- Ontological Argument Word
- Transcendental Arguments Word
- Van Til Reconsidered Word
Pastoral & Social Ethics: Spring 2015
- All course documents ZIP
- Course Handbook (Syllabus) Word
- Lecture Outline Word
- Study Guide for Doctrine of the Christian Life Word
- Supplementary Documents (Readings)
- Do We Need God to be Moral? Word
- Review of Christian Faith, Health, and Medical Practice Word PDF