Build . . . holy faith - Jude 1:20
build . . .
holy faith The believers are to be vigilant to resist the teaching of the ungodly among them. They should base their lives on the trustworthy message of the gospel. Jude's language suggests that the "faith" is the foundation on which the believers should be built up. Here, "faith" refers to the changeless content of the gospel message delivered by the apostles and prophets (Gal. 1:23; 1 Tim. 3:9).
pray in the Holy Spirit The false teachers obeyed their natural desires, but the believers should be led by the Spirit in their prayers.
WCF 16.3;
WLC 75.
Keep yourselves in God's love - Jude 1:21
Keep yourselves Jude's direct encouragements to the believers in vv. 20-21 suggest that real effort is required on the part of the believers to resist the false teaching of the ungodly among them. God is "able to keep" them (v. 24), but he does so by means of their own obedience to these very exhortations. The godly life that Jude is exhorting his readers to pursue is only attainable through the work of the Triune God. In vv. 20-21, Jude exhorts his readers to "pray in the Holy Spirit," "keep yourselves in God's love," and "wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Encouragement to Help Others Persevere - Jude 1:22-23
Encouragement to Help Others Persevere Jude made the point that for different situations, different pastoral approaches are required. For those who doubt, a more tender approach is appropriate. Those who are falling prey to the false teachers need more immediate, direct action.
Mixed with fear - Jude 1:22-23
merciful Unlike the false teachers who do not have mercy on others, believers are called to show mercy just as they have been shown mercy in Christ. Far from being merciful, the false teachers seek to harm others by their destructive teachings and ungodly lifestyle.
fear A more tender confrontation of sin presents the danger of falling prey to the same temptation. Vigilance is required. (cf. Gal. 6:1)
garment stained by the flesh The Greek word Jude chose here refers to a long shirt worn directly next to the body. Again, caution is required when believers deal with the ungodly among them. They too risk being influenced by the false teachers unless they heed Jude's encouragements to be careful (1 Cor. 5:11; 2 John 10-11).
WCF 30.3.
Closing Benediction - Jude 1:24-25
In sermonic fashion, Jude ended his letter with praise of God. God is able to keep his people from the dangers of the false teachers and preserve them to the end. He alone deserves glory.
keep you from stumbling Jude had repeatedly warned of the sure destruction of the false teachers and those under their influence. This beautiful final doxology expresses Jude's confidence that God will not fail to preserve his people through the dangers of the Christian life. Believers can keep themselves in God's love only because he keeps them.
WLC 195.
only God There is only one God, who is our
Savior. This salvation is available and accomplished
through Jesus Christ. God deserves to be recognized as having
glory (the honor due to him),
majesty (his greatness above all others),
dominion (his rule over all), and
power (his authority and right to rule over his creation).
before all time, now, and forevermore. Jude's use of "before all time" suggests that time itself began at creation (2 Tim. 1:9; Tit. 1:2). This doxology is appropriately ascribed to God from eternity past to eternity future.
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