Kingdom, Covenants & Canon of the Old Testament

Explore the basic theology and overarching story of the Old Testament, and why it is still relevant for Christians today.

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Series Trailer: Kingdom, Covenants & Canon of the Old Testament

About this Lesson Series

Instructor: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr. & Guests
Discipline: Old Testament
Course Group: Introduction to Biblical Studies
Download: Course Materials, Academic Packets

Note: This series has been redesigned and enhanced with updated graphics and professor interviews. If you were studying the previous version of this series and would like to continue, go to the previous course page.
You may also download the materials on our download page.

If someone asked, "What is the Old Testament about?" would you have an answer? Could you describe its basic theology and overarching story? Would you be able to explain why the Old Testament is relevant for Christians today?

Unfortunately, many modern Christians lack a firm understanding of the theology and significance of the Old Testament. As a result, they are inadvertently attempting to live their Christian lives based only on the New Testament.

Yet, Jesus and his apostles taught that the Old Testament is very important for Christians. As a matter of fact, when Paul told Timothy that all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, he was referring primarily to the Old Testament.

Series Goals:

  • Orient viewers to the overarching message of the Old Testament.
  • Summarize the theological emphases of the Old Testament.
  • Provide a strategy for applying the Old Testament to modern life.