The Heart of Paul's Theology

Explore Paul's letters to the Galatians, Thessalonians and Corinthians, and discover the central concepts of his teachings.

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Series Trailer: The Heart of Paul's Theology

About this Lesson Series

Instructor: Dr. Reggie Kidd & Guests
Discipline: New Testament
Course Group: Pauline Epistles
Download: Course Materials, Academic Packets

Paul passionately proclaimed the good news of individual salvation in Jesus Christ. But this wasn't the heart of Paul's gospel.

According to Paul, salvation is not primarily about individuals being saved from the wrath of God. Rather, the gospel is about the triumph of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. It is about God redeeming and recreating the heavens and the earth through Jesus Christ, and about our participation in that renewed world.

Series Goals:

  • Orient students to Paul's apostolic ministry.
  • Describe Paul's central message and worldview.
  • Summarize the structure, content, original meaning and modern application of Galatians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, and 1 & 2 Corinthians.