The Prophetic Wisdom of Hosea

Take an in-depth look at the life and ministry of the prophet Hosea and discover what we can learn from his message today.

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Series Trailer: The Prophetic Wisdom of Hosea

About this Lesson Series

Instructor: Multiple Instructors
Discipline: Theology
Course Group: Basic Christian Doctrine
Download: Course Materials, Academic Packets

The prophet Hosea ministered during one of the most difficult times in Israel's history. In Hosea's day, both Israel and Judah faced serious threats from Assyria. In addition, by the time Hosea completed his book, the kingdom of Israel had fallen under God's severe judgment, and judgment threatened Judah as well. In the midst of these struggles, God called Hosea to speak wisdom to his people. So, what did Hosea tell them? And what can we learn from his wisdom today?

Series Goals:

  • Introduce viewers to the life and ministry of the prophet Hosea, and to the background, content and structure of his book.
  • Identify divine revelations in the book of Hosea and their relevance for the original audience and for Christians today.