Dr. John Oswalt

Dr. John Oswalt is the Visiting Distinguished Professor of Old Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary.

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2 Article results for: John Oswalt

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The Bible Among Other Myths: Chapter One

By: Dr. John Oswalt

The Bible in Its World

Volume 27, Number 16 (4/13/2025, to 4/19/2025)

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Topics: Biblical TheologyGodPhilosophy

5 Q&A results for: John Oswalt

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The Value of Searching for Original Meaning

Why is it so important to search for the original meaning of biblical passages?

Topics: Interpretation

The Undiluted Theology of the Pentateuch

Why do so many people believe there are contradictory theological viewpoints in the Pentateuch?

Topics: Pentateuch

Evaluating Critical Scholarship

Critical approaches to the Pentateuch often assume that all ancient religious beliefs as lower, less evolved forms of religion. How should evangelicals evaluate this critical mindset?

Topics: Pentateuch

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