Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III

Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III, a native of Greenville, South Carolina, was born and reared in the home of an eighth generation Southern Presbyterian Ruling Elder. A 1983 graduate of Furman University, he received an MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary and studied Systematic Theology at the Free Church of Scotland College under Professor Donald Macleod. He earned the PhD from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1995. He served on the staff of The Covenant Presbyterian Church of St. Louis from 1984-1987, and supplied pulpits in churches of the Presbyterian Association of England, Church of Scotland, and Free Church of Scotland while in Britain from 1987-1990. In 1990 he was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and joined the faculty of Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS), Jackson, Mississippi where he was Chairman of the Department of Systematic Theology, and the John R. Richardson Professor of Theology. At RTS he was responsible for teaching courses such as Systematic Theology, Ethics, Apologetics, History of Philosophy and Christian Thought, Covenant Theology, Patristics, Evangelism, and Theology of the Westminster Standards. He became the Senior Minister of First Presbyterian, Jackson in 1996. Dr. Duncan is an active churchman and has been involved in the courts of the PCA in various ways for many years. He was appointed to the General Assemblys Committee on Psalmody, and has served on Committees of Commissioners for Covenant Seminary, MNA, and Bills and Overtures in 2002. He has been a member and Chairman of the Credentials Committee of the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley (1996-2002). He was the Vice-Chairman of the General Assemblys Creation Study Committee (1998-2000), a member of the Search Committee for a Coordinator of Reformed University Ministries, and currently is the Chairman of the General Assemblys Theological Examination Committee, and is also a member of the PCAs Strategic Planning Committee. Duncan was elected as Moderator of the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley in 2001. At the annual denominational meeting, held in June of 2004, he was elected the Moderator of the General Assembly of the PCA (2004-2005) the youngest minister to serve as moderator in the denominations history. Dr. Duncan and his wife, Anne, are the parents of Sarah Kennedy and Jennings.

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395 Article results for: J. Ligon Duncan III

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Covenant Theology

By: Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III

Old Testament Prophecies of the New Covenant; The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and the New Testament; The Covenant in the New Testament

Volume 15, Number 38 (9/15/2013, to 9/21/2013)

Format: Webpage

Topics: ChristBiblical TheologyInterpretation

Covenant Theology

By: Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III

The Covenant of Preservation Noah and Abram

Volume 15, Number 32 (8/4/2013, to 8/10/2013)

Format: Webpage

Topics: PentateuchBiblical TheologyInterpretation

Covenant Theology

By: Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III


Volume 15, Number 28 (7/7/2013, to 7/13/2013)

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Topics: Biblical TheologyReformationChristian Living

1 Q&A result for: J. Ligon Duncan III

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God the Father vs God the Son?

Many Christians believe the Father is an angry God who hates us, and the Son, a loving God who saves us from his angry Father. Is this true?

Topics: ChristGodSalvation

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