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The 1611 KJV is the only true English version of the Bible! All other versions are perversions.
Topics: ApologeticsMissionsChristian Living
Is it a sin for the church not to care for the sick, handicapped, and elderly in the church?
Topics: Church and SacramentsChristian LivingMissions
Who or what were the Lollards, or Lollardy, or Lollardism?
Topics: ReformationEvangelismMissions
Are the commands of God to the Israelites in the OT the same as jihad in the Qur'an? What are some differences between the violence found in the Bible and Islamic jihad?
Topics: ApologeticsMissionsInterpretation
Was Peter the First Pope?
Topics: ApologeticsMissionsEvangelism
What is Chrislam?
Topics: ApologeticsEvangelismMissions
What is Buddhism?
Topics: ApologeticsMissionsGod
What is Scientology? Is it related to Dianetics?
What is Christian Science?
What is Hinduism?