Pre-Christian (Q&A)

10 Q&A results for: Pre-Christian

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Timeline of Roman Emperors

Who were the Roman Emperors and when did they rule?

Topics: Pre-ChristianEarly ChurchMedieval Church

The Revolt of the Maccabees and Hanukkah

Can you briefly describe the Maccabean Revolt and how Hanukkah came into being? I find Josephus confusing.

Topics: Pre-Christian

In what language was the Bible originally written?

In what language was the Bible originally written?

Topics: Pre-ChristianEarly ChurchInterpretation

Pharisees and Works Righteousness

Did the Pharisees believe in salvation by works?

Topics: Gospels and ActsPre-Christian

Wherefore Art Thou, Hanukkah?

What is the origin of Hanukkah?

Topics: Pre-Christian

Ancient Near-Eastern Covenant Distinctions

What is the difference between royal land grant and suzerain vassal treaties?

Topics: Biblical TheologyPre-Christian

Time Elapsed Between Old and New Testaments

How many centuries elapsed between the last events of the Old Testament and the first events of the New Testament?

Topics: Pre-Christian

Old Testament Date of Composition

When was the Old Testament written?

Topics: Pre-Christian

Who Ruled Israel?

Who ruled over Israel from the time of the exile by the Babylonians until the time of Jesus? Who ruled them after the Roman Empire?

Topics: Historical BooksPre-Christian

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