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Who were the Roman Emperors and when did they rule?
Topics: Pre-ChristianEarly ChurchMedieval Church
Can you briefly describe the Maccabean Revolt and how Hanukkah came into being? I find Josephus confusing.
Topics: Pre-Christian
In what language was the Bible originally written?
Topics: Pre-ChristianEarly ChurchInterpretation
What is logos?
Topics: Pre-ChristianChristGospels and Acts
Did the Pharisees believe in salvation by works?
Topics: Gospels and ActsPre-Christian
What is the origin of Hanukkah?
What is the difference between royal land grant and suzerain vassal treaties?
Topics: Biblical TheologyPre-Christian
How many centuries elapsed between the last events of the Old Testament and the first events of the New Testament?
When was the Old Testament written?
Who ruled over Israel from the time of the exile by the Babylonians until the time of Jesus? Who ruled them after the Roman Empire?
Topics: Historical BooksPre-Christian