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How do Catholics perceive justification differently from Protestants?
Topics: SalvationBiblical TheologyApologetics
Can your briefly explain election in Romans 8:29-30? Some illustrations would help.
Topics: Biblical TheologySalvationInterpretation
Can you give me a very concise (preferably one sentence) definition of the Covenant of Grace?
Topics: GodSalvationBiblical Theology
I'm in the Word of Faith Movement, but I've been hearing teaching on Romans 4:17 that seems a little off? I'm not sure though, but it seems greedy in a way. Can you explain the meaning of Romans 4?
Topics: SalvationApologeticsBiblical Theology
Doesn’t Colossians 2:11-12 teach adult only baptism? Besides baptized infants can still be lost!!! So, isn’t the Presbyterian Church wrong?
Topics: Church and SacramentsSalvationBiblical Theology
Can you briefly state the Mormon plan of salvation?
Is COVID-19 the final frontier? Does anything come after COVID-19?
Topics: EthicsChristSalvation
I noticed that in another answer you called the new covenant the renewed covenant. Can you please explain?
Topics: GodBiblical TheologySalvation
Why did God choose me? Why didn't he choose everyone?
Topics: Salvation
If God's election is sure (Rom. 8:29-30), then why do we need to make it sure? (2 Pet.1:10). Wherein is our assurance of salvation?
Topics: General Epistles and RevelationBiblical TheologySalvation