Philosophy (Q&A)

70 Q&A results for: Philosophy

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Freemasonry and Idolatry

Can a Christian participate in Freemasonry without committing idolatry?

Topics: ApologeticsInterpretationPhilosophy

Scientific Evidence for YEC?

Is there any evidence for Young Earth Creation (YEC)?

Topics: InterpretationApologeticsPhilosophy

Images of Muhammad

The talking heads on TV say that not drawing pictures of Muhammad is the law within Islam and it can be enforced upon everyone. How do I as a Christian respond to this without offending anybody?

Topics: ApologeticsPhilosophyEthics

Is Assassination Ethical?

Is assassination ethical?

Topics: EthicsPhilosophyApologetics

What are the differences between moral and natural evil?

What are the differences between moral and natural evil?

Topics: GodChristPhilosophy

An Atheist Sits on God's Lap

Atheism seems like nonsense to me. Their arguments make no sense. Is arguing from an atheistic viewpoint self-defeating?

Topics: ApologeticsPhilosophyBiblical Theology

Is music a cult?

Is music a cult? Is there any value in it?

Topics: Christian LivingBiblical TheologyPhilosophy

What is the argument from disbelief?

What is the argument from disbelief?

Topics: PhilosophyGod

Military Mottos and the Bible

I am a 26 year veteran of the US military and was wondering how military mottos can be reapplied to biblical principles?

Topics: Salt and LightPhilosophyChristian Living

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