Biblical Perspectives:
Volume 27, Number 5

(1/26/2025 to 2/1/2025)

An Empty Life (4): The Emptiness of Work

By: Dr. Derek Thomas

Ecclesiastes 2:18-26

Volume 27, Number 5 (1/26/2025, to 2/1/2025)

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Topics: Poetry and WisdomGodChristian Living

FWS Chairman's Letter: September 2005

By: Rev. Dr. Simon Vibert

What does Sola Scriptura mean for modern Anglican debates?

Volume 27, Number 5 (1/26/2025, to 2/1/2025)

Formats: WebpageWordPDF

Topics: Biblical TheologyChurch and SacramentsReformation

After the Storm

By: Timothy Shay Arthur

Volume 27, Number 5 (1/26/2025, to 2/1/2025)

Formats: WebpageWordPDF

Topics: Christian LivingManSalt and Light