Luke 24:22-23
They were aware of the events Luke recorded in vv. 1-12.
Luke 24:24
This indicates that after Peter went to the tomb, others also went to see for themselves (v. 12; John 20:2-10).
Luke 24:25-26
These disciples could not see what should have been plain in the scriptures about the Christ (see John 3:3-15). Jesus emphasized two threads of teaching. First, the sufferings of the promised Christ for the sins of his people (see notes on 23:44-46). And second, his resurrection and ascension back to glory (see notes on vv. 50-53). Their problem was one of belief.
Luke 24:27
Moses . . . prophets. Jesus started at the beginning of the Old Testament scriptures and worked his way through to the end. This does not mean that he spoke about every verse. He likely summarized story, concepts, and themes.
himself. He made clear to them how all of the scriptures pointed to his work as Savior and Lord (v. 44-49; see notes Matt. 5:17; Acts 4:25-28). Even today, God's people must read scripture in light of Jesus (John 5:29-40). See
WCF 1.3.
Luke 24:28
acted. Not in a deceitful way. The disciples thought Jesus' behavior indicated he would continue on.
Luke 24:30
The wording of Jesus' actions at the meal are very similar to his feeding of the crowds (9:16) and his institution of the Lord's Supper (22:19).
Luke 24:31
The passive wording indicates that God opened their eyes to see Jesus' identity.
vanished. See note on 24:36.
Luke 24:32
These disciples began their journey to Emmaus sad and hopeless. Yet, they were strengthened by the teaching of God's word (Rom. 10:17).
Luke 24:33
Once these men encountered the resurrected Christ they were compelled to tell others about him. eleven. The apostles, except for Judas (Matt. 27:3-5).
Luke 24:34-35
appeared to Simon. Recorded in 1 Cor. 15:5, but no narrative account is given in Scripture. The timing is less important than the reality that Jesus was truly risen and among his disciples.
Luke 24:36
Jesus exercised his divine power freely after his resurrection (see notes on Phil 2:6-8). This included his ability appear and disappear quickly among his people (v. 15, 31; John 20, 19, 26).
Peace. Jesus calmed their fear of enemies (John 20:19) and perhaps his own disappointment (22:31-34; Matt. 26:56). The disciples did not need to fear because Jesus was with them.
Luke 24:38
Jesus gently rebuked them for being surprised by his resurrection. He had promised it would happen (9:22; Matt. 12:39-40; 16:21; John 2:18-22; Acts 2:31).
Luke 24:39-40
Jesus appealed to their senses. He wanted them to see that he was not merely a spirit, but resurrected with a physical body (1 John 1:1-4).
hands . . . feet. These parts of Jesus' body would have born scars from his crucifixion (see note on 23:21). Further proof that he was really alive (John 20:25, 27). See
WCF 2.1; 29.6;
WLC 52;
BC 19.
Luke 24:41
joy . . .
amazed. They were still astonished that Jesus really was alive. The news was almost too good to be true.
Luke 24:42-43
Jesus appealed to their senses. He wanted them to see that he was not merely a spirit, but resurrected with a physical body (1 John 1:1-4).
Luke 24:44
Moses . . . prophets . . . Psalms. A way to summarize all of the Old Testament scriptures.
fulfilled. See note on v. 27; Matt. 5:17. See
WCF 1.3.
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