Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 24:45-53

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Luke 24:45

Jesus gave them insight to see the gospel from the Old Testament scriptures. God's word would be the basis of their preaching Christ to the nations (v. 47). See WLC 145.

Luke 24:46

A summary of the gospel, foreshadowed and promised in the Old Testament, and fulfilled in Christ (9:22, 44; 17:25; 18:32; 1 Cor. 15:1-8).

Luke 24:47

Repentance and forgiveness. See note on 3:3. preached. The offer of salvation in Christ and the call to believe must be proclaimed (Rom. 10:5-17). nations. That is, the Gentile (non-Jewish) peoples of the world (see note on Acts 1:8). See WCF 15.1.

Luke 24:48

witnesses. The unique ministry of the apostles and early disciples. They saw first-hand the ministry, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This gave them authority to proclaim salvation in Christ (Acts 2:32, 40; 3:15; 5:32; 10:39) and become the foundation of the church Christ would build (Eph. 2:20).

Luke 24:49

Jesus empowered his followers for their mission to bear witness to the gospel among the nations (v. 47-48; Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). This power came from his own Spirit, poured out on his people (3:16; John 16:7; see note on Acts 1:8).

Jesus' Ascension - Luke 24:50-53

Luke ended his Gospel similarly to its beginning. In the opening chapter he wrote about a priest serving in the temple, waiting for the consolation of Israel that would come in the Christ. At the end, Luke recounted the fulfillment of Israel's consolation and the salvation of the world through Jesus Christ as the witnesses of these things gather together in the temple. At the beginning, readers see the faithful in awe of God's work after hundreds of years of silence. At the end of Luke's gospel, readers see the people of God in temple, rejoicing and giving thanks at the finished work of the Savior, ready to take the gospel to Israel and the nations under Jesus' lordship.

Luke 24:50-51

See BC 46.

Luke 24:50

blessed. Christ lifted his hands to bless his people, much like priests would lift up their hands to bless the people of Israel (Num. 6:22-27).

Luke 24:51

blessing. As he blessed them, Christ ascended into heaven. Scripture teaches us that he continues to bless his people until his return (see John 14:1-3; 16:7; Eph. 1:3; 4:8-13; Rom. 8:34; Heb. 9:24). heaven. As he promised, Jesus went to reign at the Father's right hand (22:67-71; 1 Tim. 3:16). He now rules over all things with all authority (Matt. 28:18; Eph. 1:20-22).

Luke 24:52

worshiped. We should worship God alone (4:7-8; 1 Kgs. 18:39). Thus, this is an affirmation of Jesus' deity (see note on 11:2). joy. The disciples exhibited joy as they obeyed the instruction of the risen Christ by returning to Jerusalem (vv. 47-49). Joyful obedience to Jesus should mark every believer in every age (see Ps. 32:11; 1 Thess. 1:6-7).

Luke 24:53

temple. The disciples gathered in Solomon's Portico along the outer court of the Gentiles on the Eastern side of the temple for worship and prayer (see note on 2:27; Acts 2:46). blessing God. That is, they were offering prayers of praise and thanksgiving for all that they themselves had been blessed with.

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