Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 22:29-53

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Luke 22:29-30

Jesus' call to discipleship included sharing God's kingdom in fellowship with his followers (13:29; 14:15; Matt. 25:34). It also meant the twelve apostles would have a special place of authority (see Acts 1:26). kingdom. See note on 4:43.

Luke 22:31-32

See WCF 14.3; WLC 195.

Luke 22:31

Simon, Simon. See note on 10:41-42. Satan. See note on 4:2. asked. Though Satan rages against God, he is still a created being under God's sovereign authority. He can do nothing without permission (see Job 1:8-12; 2:3-6). you. Plural word, which indicates all of the apostles were addressed. Yet, Simon Peter is singled out. Perhaps he was especially targeted by Satan as the first among equals (see Matt. 16:18; Acts 1:15; 2:14). If his faith was shaken, it would be easier for the others to fall.

Luke 22:32

Jesus interceded for Peter, ensuring his failure would only be temporary. Jesus fulfilled the role of priest who interceded for the people of Israel (Lev. 6:1-7; Joel 2:17; Heb. 9:24; 1 John 2:2). See WCF 11.5; 17.2; 18.4; WLC 79.

Luke 22:34

Peter insisted on his faithfulness. Yet, he would run away from danger (v. 54; Mark 14:50) and deny even knowing Jesus (vv. 55-62).

Luke 22:35

Jesus shifted the topic of discussion. He reminded them of his previous instructions for the disciples' mission (9:1-6; 10:1-12).

Luke 22:36

In their previous mission, Jesus' followers travelled around Israel. They were supported by the generosity of God's people and had no need to take provisions (see notes on 9:1-6; 10:1-12). But now their mission would change after Jesus' death and resurrection. They would go beyond Israel to the nations, preaching the gospel. This would involve difficulty and the need for provisions to support themselves among pagan Gentiles and protection against wild animals and highwaymen. Jesus prepared them for what was to come.

Luke 22:37

Jesus knew his death was in fulfillment of God's plan. He quoted Isa. 53:13 which he fulfilled on the cross. lawless. Jesus was blameless and without sin (23:20-24; 39-43; Heb. 4:15; 1 Pet. 2:22). Yet, in death he would be considered to be a blasphemer by the Jews (vv. 66-71; John 10:33), a criminal by the Romans (23:32-33), and a sinner by God (Isa. 53:4-6; Matt. 27:26). God knew Jesus was righteous. Yet, it was his will to send him as a substitute for his people. He was considered to be a sinner in their place, taking God's judgment for their sin (2 Cor. 5:21; 1 John 3:5).

Luke 22:38

Those crucified often had the charges against them nailed to the cross above their heads. It was a great irony that they accused Jesus of being a king and then mocked him for it (vv. 36-37). Ironically, as the promised Christ, Jesus was the true King of the Jews (see note on 2:11). They were unwittingly speaking the truth.

Luke 22:38

The issue of taking swords has confused many. The point isn't that Jesus expected his disciples to engage in a holy war (vv. 49-51; John 18:36). He could only be indicating that there would be dangers in their future (see note on v. 36).

Luke 22:39-53

Jesus' Test and Prayer in Gethsemane. Jesus prayerfully struggled to prepare himself to bear the sins of the world. His resolve to do God's will is an example and stands in contrast to his disciples who struggled to watch and pray.

Luke 22:39

Jesus and his disciple left the upper room (vv. 7-13) and went to the place Jesus spent his evenings that week (21:37). The other Gospels give us more details and tell us that Jesus went to a specific place called Gethsemane (Matt 26:36).

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