Luke 22:3-4
Satan. See note on 4:2. Part of Jesus' ministry was an attack on Satan's domain (11:20-22; Col. 1:13-14). Now, Satan actively attacks. He found the opportunity he wanted (4:13).
Judas. Was not a believer who fell away (1 John 2:19). Judas never believed, and his lack of faith invited Satan's involvement (see John 6:64, 70). Judas was not forced to betray Jesus. He made a choice to give into Satan's design and was held responsible for his actions along with the Jewish leader (v. 4-6, 22; Mark 14:21; John 13:2, 27; Acts 2:23). He also felt the weight of his own guilt (Matt. 27:3-5). twelve. See note on 6:13.
Luke 22:4
chief priests. See note on 19:47.
captains. Likely those in charge of the temple guards who would arrest Jesus (vv. 52-54). betray. The Bible never tells us
why Judas betrayed Jesus. It only says that he went to the Jewish leaders planning to betray him (Mark 14:10).
Luke 22:5-6
Judas delighted the leaders because they had been looking for an opportunity to kill Jesus (v. 2). He was a lover of money and accepted it for handing over Jesus (John 12:6; see 1 Tim. 6:10). Despite their wicked planning, Jesus' death was part of God's plan to save his people (v. 22; Acts 2:23).
Luke 22:6-7
Because Jesus was from Galilee (v. 5), he could put him off on someone else. Pilate was more worried about maintaining political stability than freeing an innocent man.
Herod. See notes on 3:1; 13:32.
Luke 22:7-38
Celebrating and Reinterpreting Passover in the Upper Room. Jesus spent his final hours with his disciples preparing them for his impending death. Their time and his teaching were centered around a Passover meal. Jesus used this to speak about his own death as a saving sacrifice.
Luke 22:7-8
Unleavened Bread. See note on 22:1.
Passover. See note on 2:41-42. lamb. Sacrificed at the temple in the afternoon (2:30–5:30pm), they were eaten by families the same evening. Originally, Passover was celebrated in the temple courts (Deut. 16:16; 2 Chron. 35:16-19). When the number of pilgrim's travelling became too large, anywhere within Jerusalem's walls became an acceptable location (v. 10).
prepare. This meant having the lamb sacrificed at the temple, then roasting it, gathering other food and drink, and setting up the room for the meal.
Luke 22:9
Jesus and the twelve were not from Jerusalem, so there was no home to go to. They would have needed to make other arrangements. Given the large numbers of people who travelled into the city for the feast, obtaining a room could be difficult.
Luke 22:10-12
Jesus' instructions are either dependent on his previous arrangements with the man. Or, they relied on his supernatural knowledge of the man and his willingness to serve Jesus and his disciples.
furnished. There were large cushions already set up in the room.
Luke 22:13
Events unfold in ways that show Jesus is in control (see note on 19:32-34).
Luke 22:14
The meal was eaten with everyone reclined on their sides, laying on cushion (v. 12; 11:37; 14:10; 17:7). Jesus and his disciples faced each other around the meal and their feet pointed outward.
Luke 22:15-16
This was a special time of friendship (John 13:1). It was the last night Jesus would have with the apostles he called, trained, and travelled with for three years. The next day, he would suffer and die for them on the cross (23:44-49). This meal looked back to the salvation God gave Israel during the Exodus (Exod. 12:1–13:10). But it also looked forward to the spiritual salvation God would bring his people through the death of Jesus (1 Cor. 5:7; Heb. 9:13-14).
not eat. Jesus had a physical body after his resurrection and was capable of eating (24:41-43). He meant that the meal he shared then would not be shared again with his disciples. In this way, the Lord's Supper (vv. 19-20; 1 Cor. 11:17-34) anticipated the final meal Jesus will share with his people (Rev. 19:6-9).
Passover. See note on 2:41-42.
kingdom of God. See note on 4:43.
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