Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 20:3-17

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Luke 20:3-4

Jesus responded to the leaders' question with a question of his own. baptism of John. See notes on 7:24-48. John came into the world with a promised, supernatural birth (1:11-13). Moreover, he was set apart by God from birth to prepare for the Christ (1:14-17). He preached repentance and commanded baptism for forgiveness of sins (3:1-6). It was obvious his baptism was from God. However, the religious leaders did not accept John's ministry (7:30).

Luke 20:5-6

Jesus turned the leaders' trap back on them. By affirming John's baptism was from heaven, they appear foolish or sinful for not believing him. If they deny John was from God, they will be rejected by the people and stoned for false witness against God's prophet (see Deut. 13:1-11).

Luke 20:7

Their claim of ignorance was driven by hypocrisy. Ironically, it shows their wisdom is merely human (v. 4) and cannot see what God is doing in the world (12:56).

Luke 20:8

If the group could not discern the origin of John's baptism, they had no basis to question Jesus' authority in ministry. They refuse to see what is before them (22:67–68).

Luke 20:9

parable. See note on 8:4. man planted a vineyard. Two historical details lie in the background to this parable. First, it was common for wealthy men to buy fields, establish vineyards in them, and hire servants to tend them until the harvest time. More importantly, the vineyard imagery represented Israel in the Old Testament (Ps. 80:8-13; Isa. 5:1-2; 27:2-3; Jer. 2:21; Hos. 10:1). vine growers. People hired to tend the vineyard so it will yield fruit. God called Israel to himself, established them in the Promised Land, gave them a Law, and set over them priests and elders to care for them.

Luke 20:10-12

Those entrusted with the vineyard acted wicked towards the owner. They refused to give him the profits of his vineyard and mistreated his servants. In the parable, the servants represent God's prophets (see Amos 3:7; Zech. 1:4-6). God sent prophets to draw out fruit from the vineyard (Isa. 5:1-2). But the people mistreated them and refused to believed (Jer. 7:25-26).

Luke 20:13

The owner's son should have been given more respect than the servants (see 3:22; Heb. 1:1-2). God was patient with sin and gracious to send Christ (Rom. 3:21-26).

Luke 20:14-15

Like in the parable, Israel's leaders rejected Jesus and planned to kill him (19:47; 20:19). They refused to follow him as king and desired to remain in power and prominence among the people. out of the vineyard and killed. This paralleled the order of events during Jesus' death (Heb. 13:12-13; John 19:17).

Luke 20:16

God's patience with Israel would come to an end. Because they have rejected the authority of the servants and the Son sent from God, the kingdom would be taken away from the Israel. It was now the time of salvation for the Gentiles (21:24; Acts 13:45-47; 18:6; 28:25-28). This judgment was fulfilled in the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple in A.D. 70 (13:35; 19:43-44; 21:20-24; 23:29-31).

Luke 20:17

Jesus quoted from Psalm 118 to show us that he will reign as King despite being rejected by the leaders. Though he was the stone rejected by men, he will become the chief cornerstone of God's people (Eph. 2:20). The Greek word could mean either a corner stone or a capstone. Though rejected as the promised Savior of Israel, Jesus was approved by God and therefore became the Savior of all humanity (Acts 4:10-12).

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