Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 20:19-34

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Luke 20:19

afraid of the people. See note on vv. 5-6.

Luke 20:20

The leaders were acting deceitfully to Jesus. They tried to get in close and catch him saying something that would make the people turn against him.

Luke 20:21

The group was deceitful in their approach to Jesus. They did not believe he was a preacher of truth, but a trouble-maker (v. 20).

Luke 20:22

The question was designed to trap Jesus (v. 20) by making him say something that would offend at least part of people listening to him. lawful. Those questioning Jesus tried to pit him against God's law. They twisted the law from a means of teaching God's people into a weapon used against God's Son. taxes to Caesar. The question of taxes was an urgent emotional and political issue in the thinking of Israel in Jesus' days. The Jewish people despised being under the authority of Rome. Some, like the Sadducees, compromised with Rome to maintain their power. Others, called Zealots, believed in the violent overthrow of Roman occupation as a display of their zeal for God (see note on 6:15). They were enemies to be driven out of the land of Israel.

Luke 20:23

Jesus knew the intentions behind the question (v. 20; see 5:22; 6:8). craftiness. A word similar to the one used to describe the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:1). These men use similar means of deceit to attack Jesus (see John 8:44; 2 Cor. 2:11).

Luke 20:24

denarius. The official coinage for paying taxes to Rome (see note on 7:41). image. One side of the coin bore an image of Caesar along with the words, Tiberius Caesar, son of the divine Augustus.

Luke 20:25

Jesus' response showed that there is an obligation to both God and human authority. Caesar's. The coin with Caesar's image reflected the legitimacy of taxes and the believer's obligation to submit to authority (Rom. 13:1-5; 1 Pet. 2:13-14). God's. However, every person is made in God's image (Gen. 1:26-27). Thus, while we give a portion to human authority, our entire lives are owed to God (Rom. 12:1-2).

Luke 20:26

The sinful craftiness of men could not match Jesus' godly wisdom (see v. 23; 2:40, 52; 1 Cor. 1:24, 30).

Luke 20:27

Sadducees. An important religious sect in first century Judaism. They were wealthy and enjoyed political power and influence. They were happy to cooperate with the Roman government to maintain their power. They often emphasized the first five book of the Bible (called the Torah) over the rest. resurrection. They also denied the bodily resurrection (Acts 23:6-8), angels, and other supernatural elements of the Jewish faith.

Luke 20:28

The Sadducees summarized the practice of levirate marriage. This term comes from the Latin word levir which means brother. This practice involved a man marrying his deceased brother's childless wife (Gen. 38:8; Deut. 25:5-6). This ensured the preservation of Israel's tribal bloodlines and inheritance. It also ensured care for the widow. It was not an excuse for polygamy or adultery (Lev. 18:16; 20:21).

Luke 20:29-33

As with the Pharisees before (vv. 20-22), the Sadducees' question was designed to trap Jesus. They presented an unlikely situation meant to mock the idea of the resurrection (see v. 27). left no children. Without a child, none of the seven men had a superior claim to be her husband.

Luke 20:34

Jesus replied by first affirming the goodness of marriage which God instituted for humanity (Gen. 2:18-25). It was given to help us understand his love for the church (Eph. 5:25-32)

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