Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 18:42-19:10

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Luke 18:42

faith. The conduit through which he received the healing. It wasn't a work or something that he did to earn God's blessing. healed. This man's recovery of sight points to his forgiveness of sins (v. 43). Jesus is just as powerful to deal physical healing as he is spiritual healing.

Luke 18:43

followed him. The blind man wanted more than healing. He revealed the fullness of his faith by becoming a disciple of Jesus (v. 42). people . . . gave praise to God. The man not only praised God, but encouraged others to do the same (see 1 Pet. 2:9-10).

Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus was an unlikely candidate to become a disciple of Jesus. He was rich (18:25) and despised by the people for his work as a tax collector (v. 2). Yet, nothing is impossible for the God who seeks and saves the lost (v. 10; 18:27).

Jesus' Commitment to Save the Lost - Luke 18:31–19:10

Jesus tried to prepare his disciples for his impending death in Jerusalem. This would be the culmination of God's plan to save a people for himself (see Rom. 3:21-26).

Luke 19:1

Jesus was still making his way toward Jerusalem (see note on 9:51).

Luke 19:2

Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus means "clean, pure or innocent." chief tax collector. Tax collectors were local Jewish men who were despised in ancient Israel for working with Rome (see note on 3:12). As a chief tax collector, Zacchaeus would have either worked with a group of collectors or oversaw collection or tolls between Judea and Perea. Given his prominence, he would been considered especially sinful by the community. rich. Typical for a tax collector. Luke highlighted this fact as he previously recorded Jesus's teaching on the difficulty of the rich being saved (18:24-25). Yet, in Zacchaeus, we see that nothing is impossible for God (v. 9; 18:26-27).

Luke 19:3

Zacchaeus wanted to know Jesus, but was hindered by his small stature and uncaring crowd (see note on v. 2).

Luke 19:4

ran . . . climbed. Unusual actions for a man in ancient Israel. Zacchaeus abandoned dignity and decorum in order to know who Jesus was. He was driven by more than curiosity (v. 9). sycamore tree. Similar to an oak tree, it had a short trunk and wide branches. This made it easy to climb.

Luke 19:5

Jesus knew Zacchaeus and took the initiative to enter into a relationship with him. This was evidence that Jesus came to seek and save sinners (v. 10). must stay. The only time we see Jesus invite himself to a person's house. Such action was as rare as Zacchaeus' running and climbing in that culture. Yet, his word must indicated his stay was part of God's sovereign plan (v. 9; see 2:49; 9:22; 15:32).

Luke 19:6

Zacchaeus wasn't put off by Jesus's self-invitation (v. 5). Just the opposite, he was delighted that Jesus would stay with him.

Luke 19:7

A common criticism against Jesus (5:30; 7:39; 15:1-2).

Luke 19:8

Being with Jesus has brought salvation (v. 9) and the changed life that flows from believing the gospel (3:8; see Tit. 2:11-14). half. Zacchaeus went from selfish acts of greed to righteous displays of generosity and sacrifice (see note on 3:21). four times. He also sought to make restitution for his previous over-collection of taxes. The amount of repayment is based on the Old Testament law (see Exod. 22:1; 2 Sam. 12:6). See WCF 15.5; WLC 141, 145.

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