Luke 11:17-18
knew. See note on 6:8.
divided. Both countries (
kingdom) and families (
house) cannot survive internal fighting. Likewise,
Satan would not work against his own purposes.
Luke 11:19
Jesus pointed out the inconsistency of his critics.
sons. Hebrew expression for disciples or followers. The critics had followers who reportedly cast out demons as well. However, it is unlikely they could actually perform such miracles.
judges. Because they condemned Jesus but not their own disciples, their disciples would be witnesses against their hypocrisy on the last day (12:10; Mark 3:28-30).
Luke 11:20
finger of God. The direct work of God himself. The same expression the Egyptian magicians used to describe the plagues God sent before the Exodus (Exod. 8:9). God is the source of Jesus' power and authority over demons.
kingdom . . . has come. Jesus' ministry was a sign of the kingdom's presence (see notes on 4:43; 9:27).
Luke 11:21-22
strong man. A picture for Satan (v. 15).
stronger man. A picture of Jesus.
overcomes. As the Lord's Servant, Jesus entered into Satan's realm (John 12:31; 2 Cor. 4:4; Eph. 2:2) with a mission to save (Isa. 49:24-25). Jesus bound Satan and
plunders (rescues) people for himself (Col. 1:13-14).
Luke 11:23
Those who labored for the same things as Jesus were his friends (see notes on 9:49-50). But those who taught the source of his power was Satan (v. 15) were against him.
Luke 11:24-26
It is possible to have temporary spiritual relief, but not experience final salvation. One must replace the sinful things taken away with the spiritual things of Christ (Col. 3:1-17).
Luke 11:24
unclean spirit. Not everyone Jesus healed or helped was saved. We see that most clearly in the story of Jesus healing ten lepers (17:11-19). Here Jesus warned that having a demon taken away isn't enough to be in the kingdom.
waterless places. The wilderness, which is often a place for demonic activity (4:1-2; 8:29; Lev. 16:10).
Luke 11:25
swept out and put in order. One can try to reform himself all that he wants. But unless Christ is the one bringing about the transformation, there will be no lasting salvation for him (see John 3:3, 5-6, Gal. 5:22-23; Phil. 1:6).
Luke 11:26
final condition. The state of a person on the day of judgment (see 18:8; Rom. 2:5; 2 Pet. 3:7; 1 John 4:7).
Jesus' Blessings and Judgment - Luke 11:27-13:9
The following section is marked by Jesus' contrasts between the blessed and the condemned. This difference is commonly seen in how people respond to God's word through Jesus.
Luke 11:27
The woman expressed the common mindset of the day that a woman may be great if she bears a great son. By heaping blessedness on the mother, she was heaping blessedness on the child (Jesus).
Luke 11:28
Jesus did not contradict the woman (v. 27). Instead, he pointed to the real source of Mary's greatness. Mary was like every believer who experiences the saving power of God. Namely, she was blessed because she heard God's Word kept it (see Jas. 1:22).
Luke 11:29
seeks a sign. As opposed to simply hearing God's Word and keeping it (v. 28). They wanted something to prove Jesus' authenticity. evil. Jesus said it was wicked to reject God's Word, claiming to need something else. This was especially true considering all of the signs he has already performed (healings, miracles, etc.). Their request for a sign was simply an excuse for their refusal to repent before Jesus.
sign of Jonah. See v. 30.
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