Luke 11:30
Jonah. An Old Testament prophet in Israel who was called to preach repentance to Gentiles (Jon. 1:1-2).
Ninevites. People of Ninevah, the capital city of ancient Assyria.
sign. At first, Jonah disobeyed God's call (Jon. 1:3-6). This resulted in him being cast off a boat into the sea during a storm (Jon. 1:7-16). God graciously and miraculously sent a great fish to swallow and rescue him from drowning (Jon. 1:17–2:10). After three days and three nights in the fish, Jonah was vomited onto dry land and answered God's call to preach to Ninevah (Jon. 1:17; 2:10–3:5). Jonah's rescue by the fish was a sign of repentance (Jon. 3:6-10).
Son of Man. In the same way Jonah was in the fish for three days, so Jesus would be in the grave three days, then he would rise again (9:22; 18:33; Acts 10:39-40). This would be a sign for the people which authenticated his ministry (Matt. 12:40).
Luke 11:31
Queen of the South. The Queen of Sheba (modern Yemen) who visited King Solomon in Israel (1 Kgs. 10:1-13). She traveled far to encounter Solomon's wisdom and left praising God (1 Kgs. 10:9).
judgment . . . condemn. On the last day, she will be witness against the Jews. She was a Gentile who praised God because of Solomon. Yet, Jesus is
greater than Solomon. The Jews should have believed him.
Luke 11:32
men of Nineveh. See note on v. 30. Like the Queen of Sheba (v. 31), these Gentiles will be witnesses against ancient Israel at the judgment. They
repented with sackcloth and ashes at Jonah's preaching (Jon. 3:6-9). The Jews should have repented at the preaching of Jesus who is greater than Jonah.
Luke 11:33
God's word is like a
lamp which gives light (Ps. 119:105; 2 Pet. 1:19). Jesus preached it everywhere, all the time. God's word is meant to be proclaimed, giving light to the whole world.
Luke 11:34-35
eye. One can have healthy eyes that are open wide and clear. However, one might also have bad eyes, which are weak or sick, and be unable to see well. Jesus used the eye as a picture for how one responds to the lamp of God's word (v. 33).
light . . . darkness. Those who see and respond will be filled with spiritual light. Those who refuse to respond will be filled with wickedness.
careful. The Jews were hearing Jesus' preaching, but refused to believe. Everyone must take care that they listen to God's word with faith and obedience (see 8:21; Matt. 7:21, 24-27; Rom. 2:13; Jas. 1:22-25).
Luke 11:36
Those that respond to God's word, which will be filled with spiritual light. This will change their whole life in ways visible to others (see Matt. 5:16; Rom. 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 4:16-18).
Luke 11:37
Pharisee. See note on 5:17.
Luke 11:38
did not wash. This was not for the purpose of hygiene, but for ritual purity. Before the Pharisees touched their food, they had water poured over their hands so that the defilements of the world might be washed away. However, this was not commanded by the Old Testament law. It was a tradition meant to keep one from breaking the law.
Luke 11:39
outside . . . inside. Jesus taught that most Pharisees worried about an external obedience and an appearance of righteousness. But their hearts were not right with God (Mark 7:6; Rom. 2:23).
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