Luke 9:30-31
Moses. Jewish boy raised in Pharaoh's court during ancient Israel's enslavement (Exod. 2:1-10). As a man, he was called by God to lead Israel to freedom through the exodus from Egypt to Canaan (Exod. 3:1-10). Moses received God's law on Mt. Sinai and delivered it to Israel (Exod. 19:1–20:21). He remained their leader until they entered the Promised Land (Deut. 34:1-8).
Elijah. An important prophet in ancient Israel. He confronted kings and Israelites about their lack of faithfulness to God (1 Kgs. 17:1–22:40). Together, Moses and Elijah represent the law and the prophets, which bear witness to Christ. He fulfills the message and promises of the law and prophets (24:25-27, 44-48; Matt. 5:17).
Luke 9:31
departure. The Greek word for
exodus. In the New Testament, it can refer to a person's death (2 Pet. 1:15) or ancient Israel's exodus from Egypt (Heb. 11:22). Jesus's death on the cross includes both meanings. He truly died to save his people as the perfect Passover sacrifice (Exod. 12:1-13; 1 Cor. 5:7). At the same time, he gave greater significance to Israel's history, which pointed to him (24:25-27, 44-48). Jesus's death in Jerusalem made possible a greater, spiritual exodus. Through him, God's people were delivered from slavery to sin (Rom. 6:7, 18, 22).
Luke 9:33
Peter's request was wrong for two reasons. First, it devalued Jesus by putting him on the same level as Moses and Elijah. This is implied by his desire to build three tents. Second, his request was contrary to God's plan for Jesus to die and rise again in Jerusalem (vv. 22, 31).
Luke 9:34-35
cloud. A common symbol for God's presence (Exod. 24:15-18; 40:34-38). voice. God again affirmed Jesus's sonship (3:22). Moreover, he emphasized that Jesus was the
chosen Christ (see Ps. 2:7). Peter was urged to listen to Jesus rather than give directions to him.
listen to him. Because he is greater than even Moses and Elijah he must be listened to (Deut. 18:15; Heb. 1:1-3). Every believer should listen to Jesus through God's written word (2 Pet. 1:16-21).
Luke 9:39
spirit. A demonic spirit (v. 42).
hardly ever leaves. The demon afflicted the boy continually.
Luke 9:41
unbelieving and depraved generation. Jesus compared those there to the generation of Israel that wandered in the wilderness. They witness God's mighty acts but failed to believe (Deut. 32:4-5, 20; see 11:30-32, 50-51; 17:25).
put up with you? Jesus had just commissioned his disciples with spiritual power and authority (vv. 1-2). They should have been able to heal the boy (v. 40). His frustration came not with the disciples' inability, but their faithlessness (v. 45; 8:25).
Luke 9:43
amazed . . . marveling. The crowd's response was typical for those seeing Jesus's miracles (4:32; 8:25; 11:14). It did not indicate faith.
Luke 9:44
Jesus tried to drive home his impending death on the cross.
Son of Man. See note on 5:22-24. betrayed. One of Jesus's twelve apostles betrayed him to the Jewish leadership who opposed Jesus (v. 22; 22:1-6). See
WLC 160.
Luke 9:45
The disciples would not fully comprehend Jesus's mission until their eyes were opened by the risen Christ (24:45-47).
Luke 9:46
Ironically, just after Jesus emphasized his rejection and willingness to die for his people, the disciples argue about greatness (vv. 22, 44; Mark 10:45; Phil. 2:5-11).
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