Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 9:47-19:27

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Luke 9:47

knowing . . . hearts. As before (5:22), Jesus's ability to discern the hearts (thoughts) of others is a sign of his deity. little child. Hebrew culture loved children and saw them as a gift from God (Ps. 127:3-5). However, they had no standing in the larger society. They were not considered great in any sense.

Luke 9:48

welcomes. The rabbis in Jesus's day never gave any attention to children. Yet, Jesus welcomed children and encouraged others to do the same. How one understood the relationship between a caregiver and a child is a good indication of how they understood their relationship to God. Children can be loved but do not have the ability to do anything to deserve or repay that love. They have no wealth or influence in society. God condescended to love and care for us—people of no consequence compared to him. least . . . great. The child in their midst became a dramatic illustration. Greatness in the kingdom is not like greatness in the world. True greatness in the eyes of God is seen when we take the lowest place, humbling ourselves (Mark 9:35).

Luke 9:50

Jesus was not endorsing every practice that doesn't oppose him. Instead, he was against any attitude of self-importance (see notes on vv. 46-48).

Jesus' Journey to Jerusalem - Luke 9:51-19:27

A major turning point in Luke's Gospel. Jesus determines to begin moving towards the cross (9:51). Everything he said and did was in anticipation of his impending death and resurrection.

The Character of Discipleship - Luke 9:51-10:42

Luke emphasized Jesus' instruction about what it meant to be his disciple. This teaching is informed by predictions of Jesus's coming death at the cross.

Luke 9:51

taken up. Refers to Jesus' resurrection and him being taken up to heaven (Acts 1:2, 11, 22; 1 Tim. 3:16). set his face. A Hebrew expression which speaks to determined resolve. Jesus was committed to begin making his way to Jerusalem where he would fulfill God's plan through his death and resurrection. This phrase sets the theme for the next section (9:51–19:27).

Luke 9:52

Samaritan. The Samaritans were a people of mixed ancestry. They were the result of Jewish intermarriage with Gentiles after their capture by Assyria (2 Kgs. 17:24-41; Ezra 4; Neh. 4). Sadly, they were despised by both the Jews and Gentiles. This led them to develop their own version of the Pentateuch, their own temple on Mount Gerizim, and their own version of Israel's history. Their distorted view of God, Scripture, and worship, there was great antagonism between the Jews and Samaritans (see Luke 10:25-37). prepare. This was probably housing preparations.

Luke 9:53

Jesus would fulfill God's will by offering his life at Jerusalem (v. 51). Yet, the Samaritans were opposed to worship at the temple in Jerusalem (see note on v. 52). Therefore, they opposed Jesus. This was a very different reaction than Jesus' previous visit there (John 4:39-42).

Luke 9:54-55

command fire. The disciples' response to Jesus' rejection was similar to Elijah's response to King Ahaziah's rejection of God (2 Kgs. 1:1-16). It was a sign of their zeal for Jesus and possibly their feelings about the Samaritans. rebuked. It would have been just for those who rejected the Christ to be judged. However, Jesus knew that it wasn't the time for fire and wrath (John 3:17). Likewise, until he returns, believers should love and show mercy to sinners by preaching the gospel (6:27-31; Matt 28:18-20). See WLC 105.

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