Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 6:41-7:17

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Luke 6:41-42

Another ironic picture highlights the obvious danger. In this last scene of the parable a man with a log in his eye attempts to pick out a tiny piece of straw from the eye of another. Jesus identified the importance of living without hypocrisy. His disciples must recognize and deal with their faults before they can help others.

Luke 6:43-45

Another parable that highlights the importance of a good teacher. The nature of the tree determines the kind of fruit it will produce. Likewise, heart of a person will produce good or evil depending on what is in him (see Prov. 1:31; 13:2; 18:20-21; Jer. 17:10). Only when the heart is filled with good treasure will it produce an abundance of good (3:7-9; 12:34). By listening to and believing Jesus will one experience a change of heart, and thus produce the fruit of good works (see John 15:1-17). See HC 64.

Luke 6:46-49

In these final verses, Jesus brought together his previous instruction about teachers. He emphasized the importance of listening to him and building one's life on him.

Luke 6:46

Lord, Lord. In the immediate context of what's going on, the title Lord would have been an address of respect. It would have been used for religious or political leaders as a form of address like sir, teacher, or master. If people recognized him as a spiritual leader, then they must listen to him and do what he says.

Luke 6:47

Obedience to Jesus is essential for his disciples (11:28; Matt. 12:50; John 13:17; 14:15, 24; 15:14). Those who come to him, must also hear him, and obey him (Rom. 2:13; Jam. 1:22-25).

Luke 6:48-49

The final image is a powerful one and make clear the dangers of ignoring Jesus. The picture is of two men building a house. One digs deep and lays a foundation on solid rock. The other man is content is simply build on the top layer of the ground. When a flood came, only one house remained unshaken and only man survived. Those that hear and obey Jesus are the ones laying a well built foundation. This enables them to survive the floods of life in this world as well as the final judgment (11:28; see Lev. 26:1-46; Deut. 28:1-68).

More Teaching and Miracles - Luke 7:1-17

Luke recorded two instances of Jesus's healing. Both show his power and authority, even over death. The healing at the request of a centurion looked ahead to the inclusion of the Gentiles among God's people.

Luke 7:1

Luke provided a transition from Jesus's teaching from the Sermon on the Plain and the narratives that follow.

Luke 7:2

centurion. An officer in the Roman army who commanded up to 100 soldiers, though actual numbers varied. Such men were required to be at least 30 years old, literate, with letters of recommendation, and a few years of active military service (De Re Militari, II, 14).

Luke 7:3

heard about Jesus. This happened in Capernaum and Luke already said that Jesus taught and performed many miracles there (4:23). John recorded a specific story of a Gentile official's son who was healed by Jesus (John 4:50). It's possible that the centurion heard about Jesus from the official. Perhaps the centurion believed that Jesus can do again what he did for the official's son (see vv. 7-9). elders. Not members of the Sanhedrin, but local Jewish leaders.

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