Luke 6:30
When someone asks for help, Christians give it instead of grumbling or resenting the person (see Deut. 15:7-11; Ps. 37:21, 26; Prov. 19:17; 21:26b). Jesus's disciples have hope in God, not their belongings. Thus, they hold loosely to what they possess. Nevertheless, wisdom is needed (see 2 Thess. 3:6-13). See
WLC 141.
Luke 6:31
Often called the
Golden Rule, this verse is a summary of what comes before it (vv. 27-29). A similar statement is found in many other teachings and philosophies, but always in the negative: don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you. However, Jesus taught that his disciples should not simply keep from doing harm but be active in doing good. Christian love lives this out toward enemies as well as friends.
Luke 6:32-34
Jesus gave three illustrations that show how Christian love is distinct from the world's ideas of love. It goes beyond reciprocity (see 14:12-14) toward that which is sacrificial. Christian love costs something.
Luke 6:35
love . . . do good . . . lend. Jesus reiterated the importance of his previous instructions (vv. 32-34). reward. Not the gain of earthly riches, but heavenly joy (12:33-34).
sons of the Most High. Children resemble their parents. For those that follow Jesus, his Father becomes their Father (Rom. 8:12-15; Gal. 4:1-7). Therefore, his disciples should seek to imitate their Father (Matt. 5:9, 48). See
HC 110.
Luke 6:36
merciful. Here is the underlying reason why we should love the way Jesus tells us to love—because this is how God loves. He is kind to the ungrateful and evil. He is merciful to those who don't deserve it, even his people (see Rom. 5:8; 9:23; 1 John 4:19). See
HC 107.
Luke 6:37
judge. This cannot be an absolute prohibition because Jesus elsewhere encourages making judgments (John 7:24) even as he did (11:39-52; Matt. 12:34). Rather, he is speaking about a judgmental attitude toward others. It is seen in an undue harshness towards others. This kind of judging assumes the worst in people and springs from an attitude of self-righteousness (Rom 2:1-3). It seeks to condemn individuals before all the facts are known. This is antithetical to Christian love (see Matt. 12:7; Jam. 5:6).
Forgive. Forgiveness is about not holding their actions against them in the relationship. It's about letting go of feelings of anger or hatred toward a person. Jesus's disciples should be marked by forgiveness because they have been forgiven by God (Pss. 103:8-12; 111:4; see Matt. 6:14). See
HC 112.
Luke 6:38
Jesus is drawing from the everyday setting of the market. Certain things were sold not by weight but volume in the first century. Getting a good
measure meant letting what was poured into the vessel be
pressed down,
shaken together, until it was
spilling over the sides. Those in God's kingdom give love generously and receive back it back from God in full and overflowing measure (2 Cor. 9:6-8). See
WLC 141
Luke 6:39-49
Jesus ended his teaching with a warning to not ignore his message. He moves from a general teaching about discernment (vv. 39-42) to more specific teaching about himself and his authority (vv. 43-49). The point is that listening, believing, and obey him will bring about true righteousness.
Luke 6:39
parable. That is made up of three parts (v. 39, v. 40, and vv. 41-42).
blind . . . guide. Jesus painted an absurd picture for us to highlight the seriousness of his teaching. The Pharisees have been blind guides rather than reliable spiritual teachers (Matt. 23:16). Thus, he warned his disciples not to follow their teaching. They must evaluate those that are exerting an influence in their lives, lest they follow someone to ruin.
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