Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 6:17-26

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Luke 6:17

mountain . . . level place. Matthew only focused on the mountain as a location (Matt. 5:1). However, Luke further detailed that Jesus gathered people on a plain somewhere on the mountainside. disciples. The primary audience for this teaching (v. 20). Judea and Jerusalem . . . Tyre and Sidon. The old covenant people who were largely made up of the physical descendants of Abraham. Jesus was calling spiritual Israel to himself, made up of Jews and Gentiles (see Rom. 9:6-8; Gal. 3:7-9, 27-29). The inclusion of the Gentiles would begin in earnest much later, after Jesus death and resurrection (see Matt. 28:19; Acts 1:8; 10:1–11:26; 13:1-2). But there were already hints of it here (see 10:13-14).

Luke 6:18

A summary of Jesus's ministry. He taught with authority and revealed God's saving power through healing and casting out demons. Luke emphasized his teaching ministry as primary (5:15).

Luke 6:20-26

In this context, blessedness is about a state of well-being and approval when it comes to our relationship to God. It's about receiving the gift of grace when one follows Jesus. In contrast to the statements of blessings (beatitudes) that preceded, Jesus also offered woes (see 16:19-31). These were pronounces of God's wrath and judgment. Jesus reverses the ideas and values of the world when it comes to present and future circumstances. The statements Jesus makes are not absolute, but relative to those who put their faith in him (vv. 20a, 22b).

Luke 6:20

disciples. See note on 6:17-49. Blessed. See note on 6:20-26. poor. This likely includes both spiritual poverty and economic poverty (see 4:18-19; Pss. 40:17; 86:1; 109:22; Is. 61:1-2; Matt. 5:3). Those who are without resources and depend on God's grace by faith will see the kingdom (see (12:31-32; 18:16-17).

Luke 6:21

Poverty may bring hunger and cause one to weep. Nevertheless, it is those who hunger for God (Matt. 5:6) and weep over sin (Matt. 5:4) that are part of God's kingdom. Even the physically poor and hungry look forward to the banquet and salvation of the kingdom (Isa. 25:6; 61:1-3). God alone can satisfy one's deepest longings, forgive sin, and make the heart glad (see Ps. 126:1-3; Isa. 60:20; 61:3; Jer. 31:13).

Luke 6:22-23

These final verses emphasize the hopeful nature of the beatitude (blessed) statements to those who are politically and spiritually oppressed. Just as Jesus himself was opposed, so people would hate, exclude, and insult his disciples (10:16; John 15:8; Acts 3–4; 7; 21–28). Such rejection because of Jesus brings blessing from God; he has not forgotten his people in such times (Jam. 2:7; 1 Pet. 4:14-15). Knowing this allows one to rejoice now for a great reward awaits them in heaven (Acts 5:41; 16:25; 21:13). Moreover, it is sadly normal for God's righteous people to suffer abuse at the hands of the wicked. Even the prophets of Israel were treated that way (see 1 Kgs. 18:4, 13; 22:27; 2 Chron. 16:10; 24:20-21; Neh. 9:26; Jer. 2:30; 11:18-22; 37:15-16).

Luke 6:24

woe. See note on 6:20-26. rich. Wealth is not naturally wrong, nor are all who are wealthy sinful. The problem comes when wealth disguises spiritual poverty, a hindrance to saving faith (12:13-21; 16:14, 19-31; 18:18-30; Matt. 19:23-24). Such persons find their comfort in what they have now, rather than in God's future reward. One notable example of one who was wealthy and godly is Joseph of Arimathea (23:50; Matt 27:57).

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