Luke 6:5
Son of Man. See note on 5:24.
Lord of the Sabbath. As the Son of Man, Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath — the giver and perfect interpreter of the command. He is able to provide the ultimate rest God intended for his people. By his own spiritual labor, he will provide salvation (an eternal Sabbath rest) for those who trust in him, experienced both in the present (Matt. 11:28-30) and in the future (Heb. 4:1-13). Thus, Jesus didn't just keep a Sabbath law given to Israel. Jesus lived in such a way that the Sabbath law was displayed in who he was and what he did. Luke put this assertion in the middle of two Sabbath related events (vv. 1-5 and 6-11) to highlight its importance.
Luke 6:7
watching him closely. The religious leaders were looking for a way to charge Jesus with breaking the Sabbath.
heal. Works of necessity, including life-saving work was permitted on the Sabbath. However, it was believed that anything that wasn't life-threatening could wait until after the Sabbath.
Luke 6:8
he knew. An evidence of Jesus's supernatural insight (see 4:23).
man whose hand was withered. All of these supposedly devout men have gathered to worship the living God. But not one of them thought to attempt to help this man. Though they claimed to love God and his Law, but they didn't really keep it (Deut. 6:5-6). They failed to love their neighbor by caring for this man (Lev. 19:8). Instead, they were using him as a weapon to accuse a fellow Jew of sin.
Luke 6:9-10
lawful on the Sabbath. Jesus challenged the misguided beliefs of the scribes and Pharisees (see note on v. 7). Giving life is more important than the strict observation of rules. Failure to do good and save is the same as inflicting harm and bringing destruction (see Jam. 4:17).
hand was restored. Jesus displayed his power and authority as Lord of the Sabbath (see note on vv. 1, 5).
Luke 6:11
Interestingly, Jesus is never accused of breaking the Sabbath at his trial (22:66–23:25). Their
anger is likely the result of the authority claimed by Jesus (v. 5). If Jesus was the Lord of the Sabbath, then he was the giver of the Sabbath, making him God in the flesh. Because they did not have eyes to see that this was true, it was blasphemy to them (22:70-71; John 5:18).
Jesus Chooses Twelve Apostles - Luke 6:12-16
Jesus devoted himself to a night of prayer in preparation for choosing twelve disciples who would be named apostles (6:12). Just as Israel was organized around twelve tribes, Jesus was organizing a new covenant people around the gospel preached by these twelve men (see Matt. 19:28; John 4:22; Rev. 21:12-14). These men were from diverse backgrounds and social standings. Yet, they were unified by faith in Christ and would eventually lead his church (Eph. 2:20).
Luke 6:12
pray. Jesus had a life of humble dependence on God the Father's empowering presence through the Holy Spirit. This is partly seen in his constant habit of prayer (3:21; 4:42; 5:16; 9:18, 28; 11:1; 22:31-32). This was an example seen by his disciples (11:1) and should be imitated (18:1).
all night in prayer. The time spent in prayer marks the importance of the decision and Jesus's next steps in ministry.
Luke 6:13
called . . . chose twelve. We have no idea how many disciples Jesus has following him at this time. Later, he will call out another group of seventy-two to be sent out (10:1). This indicates that the twelve were called out of a much larger group of followers (v. 17). From these, Jesus made a God directed
choice (v. 12). Luke emphasized Jesus's authority in calling and choosing the twelve.
named apostles. The term apostle means
one who is sent. There is a sense in which all of Jesus's disciple are apostles (11:49; 24:10; John 20:21; Acts 14:14). However, this term is also used to mark out a unique group of Jesus's disciples. They were a group who had been following Jesus since the beginnings of his ministry (Acts 1:21-22). They were sent with authority to preach and heal, acting as Jesus's official representatives (9:1-6; Matt. 10:40; Mark 3:14).
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