Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 4:28-6:11

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Luke 4:28-29

The people's suspicion of Jesus became angry rejection. Casting someone off a cliff was sometimes seen as a form of stoning. Though stoning was seen as a legitimate form of public execution, this was mob violence, not the result of a legal verdict.

Luke 4:30

Luke is unclear on the details and one cannot know if Jesus's escape was due to a miracle or him simply managing to get away. Though on a later day he would not escape, this was not the time for his suffering and death (see 22:53; John 7:30; 8:59). Nazareth is never mentioned again in the Bible as a place where Jesus went. As far as we know, he never returned, making this his last visit home.

Teaching and Miracles - Luke 4:31-6:11

Jesus's preaching of the gospel was accompanied by many miraculous deeds. These validate the divine origin of his ministry and made visible the coming of God's kingdom.

Luke 4:31

Capernaum would serve as a center for Jesus's ministry (7:1; 10:15).

Luke 4:31 – Luke 4:31

Capernaum would serve as a center for Jesus's ministry (7:1; 10:15).

Luke 4:32

astonished. Similar to the response in Nazareth (v. 22). It did not equal faith and repentance (see 2:48; 9:43). spoke with authority. Unlike the popular teachers of the day who merely quoted from previous rabbis (Matt. 7:28-29). Jesus spoke with inherent, not derived, authority. He was God's messenger.

Luke 4:33

unclean demon. An evil spirit which possessed a man.

Luke 4:34

Holy One of God. The demon understood Jesus's identity and feared him (see Jam. 2:19).

Luke 4:35-36

Jesus displayed the power of his authoritative word by silencing and calling out the demon (see v. 32, 41; 8:31; 10:17-18; 11:20). That authority over demons not only validated his preaching but signaled the arrival of God's kingdom (see Matt. 12:28).

Luke 4:35-36

Jesus displayed the power of his authoritative word by silencing and calling out the demon (see v. 32, 41; 8:31; 10:17-18; 11:20). That authority over demons not only validated his preaching but signaled the arrival of God's kingdom (see Matt. 12:28).

Luke 4:38-39

Simon. Simon Peter, the man who would become the leader of the apostles (6:14; Matt. 16:17-18). mother-in-law. See 1 Cor. 9:5. high fever. As before in his teaching and power over demons, Jesus reveals himself to be one with authority over the sickness itself (v. 40). With his rebuke, the woman didn't just start to get better, she was immediately healed. This healing probably helped prepare Simon to accept Jesus's call to follow him (5:1-11).

Luke 4:40-41

Luke made a point of distinguishing between physical sickness and disease and demonic afflictions. Not all infirmities are spiritual in nature (see 9:1-2; 13:10-17; Matt. 8:16-17).

Luke 4:41

he was the Christ. Jesus's identity would eventually be revealed and proclaimed throughout the world (see 24:44-47; Acts 1:8, 2:36). However, at this time, there was too much misunderstanding about who the Christ would be. Jesus needed to slowly show people that he was bringing salvation from sins, not simply liberation from Rome (see Mark 10:42-45; John 18:36-37).

Luke 4:42

solitary place. Jesus would regularly withdraw from the crowds for fellowship with God (5:15-16; 6:12; Matt. 14:23; Mark 1:35; 6:45-46). tried to keep him. How different the response here than in Nazareth (vv. 28-30)!

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