Luke 4:43
I must also preach. Jesus's ministry could not be reduced to healings and good deeds (v. 40). God sent him to preach the gospel of God's kingdom (v. 18; 9:2; Mark 1:15). The kingdom is about God's reign over the hearts and lives of people, not a physical land. Through faith in Christ, this kingdom is both a present reality and future hope (11:2, 14-22; 13:22-30; 16:16; 17:20-21; 22:16-18). Because the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16), it must be preached in every age.
Luke 5:1
crowding . . . listening. Jesus's powerful and authoritative ministry created in people a hunger for God's word (4:31-44).
Gennesaret. Also known as the Sea of Galilee. Gennesaret was the area around the northwest side of the Sea. Thus, the name of the area often extended to the name of the Sea (see Num. 34:11).
word of God. Often refers to the gospel message (Acts 8:12, 14).
Luke 5:2-3
Because the crowd was eager, Jesus decided to teach from a boat (see Mark 4:1-2). Luke emphasized the importance of God's word.
Luke 5:4
Simon. Later named Peter (v. 8; 6:14). Jesus had recently healed his mother-in-law (4:38-39). In this passage (vv.3-11), he is representative of the other disciples. let down your nets. Fishing in this day was done using dragnets. Those large nets were shaped like semi-circles, stretched over 100 ft. in length. The fishermen would cast out the nets and let them sink into the water to catch fish. These full, heavy nets would then be pulled back up into the boat.
Luke 5:5
Simon was reluctant to obey Jesus, perhaps for a few reasons. First, as a carpenter's son, he may have believed that Jesus had less knowledge of fishing than Simon, the fisherman by trade. Second, they had already been fishing all
night and caught nothing. Finally, it was morning, which was a worse time to fish than evening. Nevertheless, Simon obeyed Jesus's instructions.
Luke 5:6-7
It is unclear if the miracle was one of Jesus's knowledge (location of the fish) or authority (directing the fish). Luke was more concerned to show the size of the miracle, which revealed Jesus's glory.
Luke 5:8
fell down. A visible sign of humility and fear (18:13).
sinful man. Whenever humanity truly encounters God, what overcomes them most is his holiness (see 7:6; Job 42:5-6; Isa. 6:1-7). Peter's response indicates that he saw divine power at work through Jesus. Only God commands the seas and all that is in them (see Ps. 95:4-5; 148:1-8). Lord. Previously, Jesus was simply called
master (v. 5). The word simply mean
sir but Luke's previous thirty uses of it always indicate God.
Luke 5:10
James and John. Prominent disciples who joined Peter as an "inner circle" among the disciples (8:51; 9:28, 54).
Do not be afraid. Jesus encouraged faith in Peter and the other disciples.
catch men. The word evokes rescue from danger. Instead of catching living fish to kill for consumption, they would catch spiritually dead people for new life in Christ (see Eph. 2:1-8). This is the central calling of every disciple. Those who have followed Jesus by believing the gospel are to call others to follow him as disciples (see Matt. 28:19-20; John 20:21; Acts 1:8).
Luke 5:11
followed him. This is the basic description of Jesus's disciples. They follow by acknowledging his lordship (Rom. 10:9) and learning from teaching (see Matt. 11:29; John 14:23-24).
left everything. Other things in this life do not compare to Jesus. They can be forsaken in light of his call (9:3; 12:33; 14:26, 33; 18:22; John 12:25).
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