Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 13:18-14:24

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Jesus' Teaching about the Kingdom of God - Luke 13:18-14:24

Luke recorded Jesus's teaching about the surprising nature of God's kingdom. It would grow slowly and include unexpected members, while those expected to enter would be excluded.

Luke 13:18-19

kingdom. see note on 4:43. mustard seed. A seed known for its small size (Matt. 13:32). Yet from the tiny seed a plant can grow eight to twelve feet tall. yeast. See note on 12:1. compare. Jesus compared the kingdom to mustard seed and yeast. In both examples, he showed that the kingdom of God starts small but eventually grows large.

Luke 13:22

the way to Jerusalem. See notes on 9:51; 18:31.

Luke 13:23

few . . . saved? The man's motive is unclear. He would have been trying to catch out Jesus with a trick question (11:54). Or he may have been worried that he wouldn't be saved. Either way, his question is urgent. But Jesus's answer is even more urgent (v. 24)

Luke 13:24

Jesus described entering God's salvation as entering a door. This door is described as narrow, which means it must be entered the correct way (Matt. 7:13-14). One must respond to Jesus with repentance and faith to be saved (vv. 3-5; 8:12; Mark 1:15).

Luke 13:25

locks the door. The door of salvation (v. 24) will not be opened forever. Once closed, the opportunity for salvation will be over (12:58; 13:6-9; 14:24). Thus, it is urgent that people who want to enter the kingdom struggle to go through the door (v. 24). That is, forsake everything that hinders them from following Jesus (5:30-32; 9:57-62). stand outside. Not everyone who believes they are saved or claims to be a believer is really a disciple of Jesus (vv. 26-27; Matt. 7:21-23).

Luke 13:26-27

Fellowship with Jesus and listening to his teaching does not guarantee salvation. Only faith in Jesus brings salvation (John 3:16; Acts 10:43; 16:31; Rom. 10:9; Eph. 2:8-10).

Luke 13:28

crying . . . grinding of teeth. Signs of deep grief and mourning in ancient Israel. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. The patriarchs of Israel who received God's covenant promises (Gen. 31:53; 50:24; Exod. 2:24; Matt. 1:2). Their faith in God was an example to others (Heb. 11:8-10, 13-21). prophets. God's servants called to preach to ancient Israel. They trusted God and were obedient to him, even in the face of death (11:50; Rom. 11:4; Heb. 11:35-38). thrown out. One could not depend on being a descendent of Abraham to be part of God's kingdom (see Phil. 3:3-11). Everyone must put their faith in Jesus to be saved (see note on 13:26-27).

Luke 13:31

Pharisees. See note on 5:17. Herod. See note on 3:1. leave. Though many Pharisees were antagonistic toward Jesus (6:7; 7:30; 16:14), others followed him (John 19:38-40). Thus, this could have been a sincere warning. Or, it could have been ploy to get him to leave because of his strong teaching (vv. 22-30).

Luke 13:32

fox. A metaphor in ancient Israel with multiple meanings. It could indicate someone crafty or someone who presumed they were important. They imagined themselves as a lion when they were merely a fox. Look. Though Herod (v. 31) had real political power, Jesus knew God was greater. His supernatural ministry gave evidence that he had greater authority than Herod. Jesus was not intimidated by Herod and was committed to fulfilling his Father's will. today and tomorrow, and the third day. Jesus died for sinners on the cross and was raised by God on the third day (9:22; 24:6-7; Acts 10:39-40; 1 Cor. 15:1-4).

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