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I'm saved, but how how do I repent of my sins on a regular basis?
Topics: Poetry and WisdomChristian LivingHoly Spirit
Overview of the Book of Psalms
Topics: Poetry and WisdomBiblical Theology
Introduction to the Poetic and Wisdom Books
Psalm 37:25 seems to conflict with Luke 16:20. I don't understand.
Topics: Poetry and WisdomBiblical TheologySalvation
Overview of the Book of Proverbs
Overview of the Book of Job
What are Imprecatory Psalms?
Topics: Poetry and WisdomBiblical TheologyEthics
Overview Song of Solomon
Overview of the Book of Ecclesiastes
I learned a few years ago that there were 7 types of praise, todah, yadda, shabach, etc. Can you give me some more information of these.
Topics: Poetry and Wisdom