William Reid was a writer and pastor born in 1822 at Forfar and educated at the parish school, where he served as a monitor (i.e. a pupil teacher). In 1839 he went to Kings College, Aberdeen, graduating with an honours degree. His first post was assistant at Blairgowrie Free Church. For nine years he was editor at the Drummonds Stirling Tract Depot. His best known book, The Blood of Jesus, was written at this time. In 1867 Reid became the minister of the Warwick Road Presbyterian Church, Carlisle, which at that time was in a struggling condition. His fidelity and ability soon drew numerous individuals from various denominations, many being remarkably converted. A clearly defined line of apostolic teaching marked his ministry. After eight years in Carlisle he severed his connections with the Presbyterian Church and went to the Hebron Hall meeting of Brethren in Bank Street, Carlisle. During all this time he had been a busy publisher of magazines. In addition to writing several books, he made a notable contribution to the collection of songs and hymns for use by the church of God. The Praise Book is a comprehensive collection of over a thousand hymns, the compilation of which took him ten years. It was first published in 1872. Shortly after transferring to the Brethren in Carlisle, he went to live in Edinburgh, and in about 1876 he and his wife went to minister in Sweden. His literary and pastoral labours among the Swedish Christians resulted in the establishment of two dozen assemblies in that country. Reid died on August 8, 188