Rev. Scott Simmons

Rev. Scott Simmons Scott Simmons is the Director of Professor Relations for Third Millennium Ministries, an evangelical Christian organization dedicated to educating pastors and church leaders around the world. Scott is in charge of writing and editing the theological material used to produce multimedia lessons in English, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese. In addition, Scott works closely with other respected writers and theologians to ensure the highest quality in everything Third Millennium produces. More than three million hours of DVD lessons have been distributed to date, and Third Millennium's curriculum is currently used in more than 100 countries. Scott is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida, where he received a Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies in 1997. After seminary, Scott began teaching Bible and biblical Greek at Chapelgate Christian Academy, a ministry of Chapelgate Presbyterian Church near Baltimore, Maryland. Four years later, he was called by Chapelgate Church to work as a minister in the mission department. Scott served as pastor of Missions and Spiritual Formation, where he managed Chapelgate's global and local partnerships and directed adult education ministries. During this time, Scott preached at several mission conferences and taught courses in biblical and theological studies at Chesapeake Reformed Theological Seminary. As a mission pastor, Scott became increasingly aware of and concerned about the intense need for theological education around the world. In his mission work he saw many people with little or no theological training serving as pastors, and he became convinced that the church needed to provide solid biblical education to help equip these pastors in their ministries. Because of this conviction, Scott took the call with Third Millennium Ministries in 2009. Scott's wife Sundee works for the U.S. Center for World Mission, where she is the East Coast Regional Administrator for the Perspectives Studies Program. Scott frequently teaches several lessons in the Perspectives curriculum. Scott and Sundee have three children: Nathan, Emily and Julianna.

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Did Moses write the Pentateuch?

By: Rev. Scott Simmons

Volume 12, Number 33 (8/15/2010, to 8/21/2010)

Format: Webpage

Topics: PentateuchGod

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