Dr. Riad Kassis

Riad Aziz Kassis was born in Lebanon. He was raised up in a devout Presbyterian home. He is a citizen of both Lebanon and Syria. Riad worked at the US Embassy and Australian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, followed by pastoral ministry in Amar al-Hosn, Syria. Riad worked for the Schneller Institute in West Beqaa, Lebanon in the capacities of Chaplain and Executive Director. He was Assistant Professor of Old Testament Studies at Arab Baptist Theological Seminary and Near East School of Theology, Beirut, Lebanon. Riad was Overseas Council's International Regional Director for the Middle East, North Africa and Central Europe. He is currently the International Director of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) and the International Director of Langham Scholars Ministry. Riad obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Economics in Damascus, Syria. He went on to obtain his Master of Divinity from Alliance Biblical Seminary, Manila, Philippines and Master of Theology from Regent College, Canada. Riad received his Ph.D. in Old Testament as a Langham scholar from The University of Nottingham, UK and his Master of Nonprofit Management from Regis University in Denver, Colorado. Riad is the author of numerous articles in various languages, seven books in Arabic, and two books in English.

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Everything Depends on God's Grace

Were people saved in different ways at different times throughout history?

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Comfort From Jesus' Return

How does Jesus' return comfort us when we go through the sorrows of this life?

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