Dr. Matt Friedeman

Matt Friedeman is Professor of Evangelism and Christian Education at Wesley Biblical Seminary. He has been married to Mary for 21 years, and they have six children, all homeschooled. He attended University of Kansas on a track and field scholarship. From there he arrived at Asbury Seminary and had his life significantly shaped by Allan Coppedge and the Barnabas Foundation (a discipleship ministry) and served on staff with Coppedge there. He went back to Kansas and received a Ph.D. in education before traveling to Mississippi where he has served as professor at Wesley Biblical Seminary since 1987. He has written three books and a childrens catechism. Dr. Friedeman is the founding pastor of DaySpring Community Church in Clinton, he has a radio talk show on Mississippi American Family Radio (15 stations) on weekdays, and he is a contributing columnist for the Jackson Clarion-Ledger and AgapePress. As part of his church ministry he participates weekly in prison and pro-life ministries. He weightlifts with his four eldest sons daily and enjoys reading in the other seven free minutes he has per week

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Holiness in the Life of a Believer

How should we respond to the redemption we've received in Christ?

Topics: ChristSalvation

Sin as Lack of Love

Since love for God and neighbor summarizes the law, is sin fundamentally unloving?

Topics: Man

Wesleyan Quadrilateral

Why aren't our interpretations of Scripture equal in authority to Scripture itself?

Topics: InterpretationInterpretation

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