Larry Gwaltney

Larry Gwaltney Larry Gwaltney is Vice President of New Production Initiatives at Third Millennium Ministries.

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2 Article results for: Larry Gwaltney

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Taking the Cross: The Motives of the Crusaders

By: Larry Gwaltney

Volume 6, Number 13 (4/19/2004, to 4/25/2004)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Medieval Church

10 Q&A results for: Larry Gwaltney

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The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon

Is there equivalent proof that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are true?

Topics: ApologeticsEvangelism

Why is America Rich?

Do Old Testament blessings and curses apply to modern nations?

Topics: Ethics

Auricular Confession

Why do Roman Catholics ask for forgiveness through saints and/or for absolution through the "Fathers" and priests?

Topics: Church and Sacraments

1 Audio result for: Larry Gwaltney

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Seeing Jesus 20/20

By: Larry Gwaltney

Mark 1:1

From the series: Mark

Format: mp3 (32-bit)

Topics: Gospels and Acts

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