John MacDuff

John Ross MacDuff was born May 23, 1818 in Bonhard, Scotland. He died at his home in Chislehurst, Kent, England on April 30, 1895. He was a Presbyterian minister and earned Doctor of Divinity Degrees from the University of Glasgow and the University of New York. He served as a pastor for many years in numerous churches, including the Church of Scotland.

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The Night Watches

By: John MacDuff

God's Banqueting House—Psa 63:6; 130:6; 42:8

Volume 20, Number 4 (1/21/2018, to 1/27/2018)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Poetry and Wisdom

The Night Watches

By: John MacDuff

The Sovereignty of God—Psa 63:6; 130:6; 42:8

Volume 19, Number 40 (10/1/2017, to 10/7/2017)

Format: Webpage

Topics: GodPoetry and Wisdom

The Night Watches

By: John MacDuff

The Faithfulness of God—Psa 63:6; 130:6; 42:8

Volume 19, Number 39 (9/24/2017, to 9/30/2017)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Poetry and WisdomGod

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