John Howe

John Howe (May 17, 1630 April 2, 1705) was an English Puritan theologian. He studied at Christ's College, Cambridge,[1] and at Magdalen College, Oxford (B.A., 1650; M.A., 1652), where for a time he was fellow and college chaplain. About 1654 he was appointed to the perpetual curacy of Great Torrington, Devon. In 1671 he became chaplain to Lord Massereene, of Antrim Castle, Ireland. Here he was a member of the Antrim Meeting, the precursor of the Presbyterian organization in Ireland. In 1676 he returned to London as the successor of Lazarus Seaman at Haberdashers' Hall. From this time till his death he took an active interest in current discussions on predestination, the Trinity, and conformity. In 1688 he headed a deputation of dissenting ministers in an address of welcome to William of Orange. John Howes written works include The Blessedness of the Righteous (London, 1668), The Redeemer's Tears Wept over Lost Souls (1684), and, his best-known book, The Living Temple (2 parts, 16751702). He died in London in 1705 at the age of 75.

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Prayer and the Decrees of God

By: John Howe

An Article

Volume 13, Number 14 (4/3/2011, to 4/9/2011)

Format: Webpage

Topics: SalvationApologeticsPhilosophy

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