Rev. Jim Baird

Dr. Jim Baird is on the Board of African Bible College, is Dean of the Chapel at Belhaven College, and serves on the board of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. He was born in New Jersey, raised in Chicago, and attended Maryville College in Tennessee where he played football and baseball and met Jane Elizabeth McMillan. They were married after graduation. After two years of working for New York Life Insurance, Dr. Baird spent three years as a 1st Lieutenant in the Army during the Korean War. Called to the ministry, Dr. Baird graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta. Dr. Baird has served as Senior Pastor in Churches in Brewton and Gadsden, Alabama; Macon, Georgia; Clinton, Mississippi; and Coral Gables, Florida. Dr. Baird served 12 years as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Mississippi, before retiring in 1996. The Bairds have four sons and nine grandchildren

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The Case of the Empty Tomb

By: Rev. Jim Baird

Mark 16:1-8—1 Corinthians 15:13-19

Volume 21, Number 31 (7/28/2019, to 8/3/2019)

Formats: WebpageWordPDF

Topics: ChristBiblical TheologyGospels and Acts

The Case of the Empty Tomb

By: Rev. Jim Baird

Mark 16:1-8; 1 Corinthians 15:13-19

Volume 18, Number 52 (12/18/2016, to 12/24/2016)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Christ

Three Resurrections

By: Rev. Jim Baird

Mark 16:1-7

Volume 21, Number 30 (7/21/2019, to 7/27/2019)

Formats: WebpageWordPDF

Topics: Biblical TheologyChristGospels and Acts

0 Q&A results for: Jim Baird
2 Audio results for: Jim Baird

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