Dr. David Lamb

Dr. David T. Lamb is Associate Professor of Old Testament at Biblical Theological Seminary. Dr. Lamb received his Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, and both his Master of Philosophy, Theology (Old Testament) and his Doctor of Philosophy, Theology (Old Testament) from the University of Oxford. Dr. Lamb has extensive teaching experience, including cross-cultural projects in Nigeria, Mexico, Kazakhstan, and Russia. His most recent book, God Behaving Badly: Is the God of the Old Testament Angry, Sexist and Racist? (InterVarsity Press) was published in 2011. His first book Righteous Jehu and His Evil Heirs (Oxford: Oxford University Press) was published in 2007. He is currently working on a commentary on I and II Kings (Zondervan). Dr. Lamb worked with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship from 1986-1999, serving as campus staff, team leader, and area director.

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Studying Critical Scholarship

Why is it important for evangelicals to become familiar with critical approaches to the Pentateuch?

Topics: Pentateuch

Law and Grace

In what ways do the Ten Commandments reveal the grace of God?

Topics: PentateuchEthicsChristian Living

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