Dr. Alvin Padilla

Dr. Padilla is Academic Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI. Prior to this he served as Dean of Hispanic Ministry Programs at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He came to Gordon-Conwell after five years of teaching Biblical Studies at Nyack College. Prior to that, Dr. Padilla founded and taught at the Spanish Eastern School of Theology in Swan Lake, NY, for seven years. He has also served as pastor of the Fort Washington Heights Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in New York City, a Spanish-speaking congregation. Dr. Padilla was also Dean of the Boston campus from 1997-2010, where he oversaw the educational programs of CUME and the emerging programs in downtown Boston, including Masters and Doctor of Ministry degrees. Dr. Padilla is an ordained minister in the PCUSA. He holds professional memberships in the American Academy of Religion, the Society of Biblical Literature, and the Asociacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana.

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The New Covenant

In the book of Hebrews, chapter 8, where it speaks of the new covenant, is that a brand new covenant, or a renewed covenant?

Topics: General Epistles and RevelationBiblical Theology

Jesus and the Old Covenant

How does Hebrews contrast Jesus with aspects of the Old Covenant?

Topics: General Epistles and Revelation

Problems among the Hebrews

What were the issues facing the original audience of Hebrews?

Topics: General Epistles and Revelation

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