2 Thessalonians: Content

  • Christ's Coming in Judgement and Glory (2 Thess. 1)
  • Christ's Coming and the Man of Lawlessness (2 Thess. 2)
  • Christ's Coming and Christian Discipline (2 Thess. 3)

  • Christ's Coming in Judgment and Glory (2 Thess. 1) back to top

    Paul begins this second epistle much like he opened the first with a warm greeting and thanksgiving for their perseverance in the faith. Paul commends them for their faithfulness in the midst of affliction and defends their suffering as an indication of the righteous judgement of God. This might seem a bit backward to them, but what Paul is trying to get across to them is that they suffer in order that they might be prepared to enter the Kingdom of God. Those who persecute the people of God will fall subject to His final judgement, being repaid by His wrath, and destined to suffer in eternal destruction apart from Him. However, in the present time, it is for the good of his people that he allows the to triumph over them. Finally, Paul encourages them to live in anticipation of the day when Christ will be revealed in his glory. For He will exclude those who have rejected him and through His people, He will be glorified.

    Christ's Coming and the Man of Lawlessness (2 Thess. 2) back to top

    In addition to those who were persecuting the Thessalonians, Paul was equally concerned about the false teachers that were among them. Paul begins by refuting the misconception that the day of the Lord had come, which they had acquired through false teaching. Paul follows this with an attempt to equip them with the truth concerning this age and the age to come. Before the day of the Lord the Man of Lawlessness will appear and lead a rebellion, against both the law and against God Himself.

    Christ's Coming and Christian Discipline (2 Thess. 3) back to top

    In this final section of his writing to the Thessalonians, Paul concludes by exhorting them to prayer and discipline. He appeals to them to be in prayer for the furtherance of the gospel and commends their faith by expressing his confidence in God concerning their faithfulness and perseverance. He warns them against idleness as he instructs them to follow his example in continuing to work hard and avoiding being a burden to others. Paul then becomes very confrontational directly addressing the idle and undisciplined. He charges them to work hard in quiet and to provide be responsible in making provision for themselves. The Thessalonians are not to associate with those who disregard Paul's teaching, but they are to continue to treat them as brothers not as enemies.