Biblical Perspectives:
Volume 3, Number 40

(10/1/2001 to 10/7/2001)

Secured Transactions and Personal Exemptions, part 2

By: C. Scott Pryor

On Amos 2:8; Ezekiel 18:14-16; Proverbs 20:16; 22:26-27

Volume 3, Number 40 (10/1/2001, to 10/7/2001)

Format: Webpage

Topics: PentateuchPoetry and WisdomProphets

Everybody's Talking

By: Rev. Russell B. Smith

A Sermon on John 7:1-13

Volume 3, Number 40 (10/1/2001, to 10/7/2001)

Format: Webpage

Topics: Gospels and Acts