The New Heavens and New Earth

What will the new heavens and new earth be like?

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It's really hard for us to try to describe the new heavens and the new earth because there are a number of biblical passages that present it in different ways. And I think one reason for that is you have to describe it poetically, you have to describe it artistically, because it's on a greater level than anything that we can normally understand. I think that's why 1 Corinthians 2:9, 10 tells us this: "eye has not seen, neither has ear heard, neither has it entered the human heart, the things that God has prepared for those who love him, but God has revealed them to us by his Spirit." We have the foretaste, not so much in words, but the foretaste of God's presence that reminds us what a great future God has in store for us. And so, all these images that we have in the Prophets and in the book of Revelation are just a foretaste of the glory that awaits.

Answer by Dr. Craig S. Keener

Dr. Craig S. Keener is the F.M. and Ada Thompson Chair of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary.