Perseverance in the Faith

How does the Holy Spirit enable us to persevere in the faith?

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Peter, in 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 5, says that we are being "protected by the power of God through [our] faith for a salvation [that is] ready to be revealed in the last times." And so, God is powerfully working through the Spirit, I believe, to hold us in Christ. But that doesn't, that powerful work of God, doesn't operate apart from our faith but through our faith. And we learn elsewhere in Scripture that it's the Holy Spirit who grants us faith. And so, as we go through the trials and tribulations, the persecutions of our life, the Spirit is our resource providing everything that we need, especially faith, to be able to engage with the powerful working God so that we will indeed persevere in Christ. And when we face persecutions, and we don't know how to act or even what to say, we have the promise of Jesus that the Holy Spirit will give us the words to face our time of persecution in a proper way that will honor God. So, the Spirit gives us resources, faith, even words to testify to Jesus Christ. As we march through this pilgrimage on earth towards heaven, he preserves us in faith in Jesus Christ.

Answer by Dr. Gregg R. Allison

Dr. Gregg R. Allison is professor of Christian theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.