Christ's Once for All Sacrifice

Were people saved in different ways at different times throughout history?

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Well, there is a sense in which redemption through the Son did not happen until Christ came in the incarnation, and supremely died as a sin-bearing sacrifice on the cross. But there is a sense in which, throughout all of Israel's history, supremely through the sacrificial system, there was an anticipation that there would one day be a sacrifice that would take away sins, in a way that the sacrifice of animals could never do. So, there were patterns and types that could be understood with greater clarity once Christ had come, but obviously they looked forward to the day when the one sacrifice would be made for sin, once and for all.

Answer by Rev. Dr. Simon Vibert

Rev. Dr. Simon Vibert is Senior Pastor of Christ Church Virginia Water, England, and the former Vice Principal and Director of the School of Preaching at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.